Saturday, August 30, 2014

Crafter Confesisonal - Part Deux

Well, people. I missed my original deadline. It was rather sad. However, my accountability partner saw pity on me and allowed me another couple of weeks. So now I have until the end of August to get my projects done. Amazingly, I am moving along quite well with my extension. I plan to have everything hanging on the walls that should have been ages ago, put legs on my box spring, create a rustic headboard, put pulls on my bedroom furniture, and finish up a baby gift that is long overdue. I can't wait! I will post pics of all my completed projects on the next entry. 

In the meantime, I find myself trying to contain my need to create so that I don't get overwhelmed again. Everywhere I turn, I see another opportunity to make something. My accountability partner had the great idea to take my time, plan out one project and see it through to the end. Novel idea, right? The kicker (at least for me) is to refrain from starting anything else until that project is done. Wow. To be able to control my project ADD (let's call it PADD). That would be a miracle. Now, after doing some reading lately and attending some workshops, I'm finding that its not abnormal for my creative process to be so messy and random. However, the OCD/planner part of me can't take it. My creative process eventually gets on my nerves. lol! So my fight is for balance. I need both parts of me. I need to be able to make things, use my hands. I also need to have a neat, uncluttered space. Both help me to deal with stress in different ways. 

The other part of this journey is to be mindful of my time. Managing how many activities I participate in and knowing when to say "no" to the needs or desires of others. I'm a helper. I have always been one. When I see somebody in need, I try to help. If a job needs to get done, I try to help. To not be available to people is hard, but I don't need to give all my time away. My home ends up neglected, Sugar is starved for attention (that's my cat), and I'm stressed to the max. Then I try to compensate by staying up late, which makes me tired. I lose all motivation and energy to do my projects, but then I get a call for help and I'm all of sudden motivated and energetic. Cray? Yeah. It's a vicious cycle. 

Priorities. I'll get it figured out. C.A. (Crafters Anonymous) is about to start up again this fall. I'm excited to use that time for my crafting outlet. Already have a couple of ideas to plan out. ;o)

Well that's it for this update. The end of 2014 is going to be interesting. Many changes to come. Opportunities for growth and maturity. I'm going to have a positive outlook on it all. Growing is never easy, but its always worth it. 

Look out for Part Trois in the next month or so. God bless!